Sustainability in the salon

Sustainability within the hairdressing industry is very important to us. Since we moved into our new premisis in November 2015 we have been working towards our goal of making as little impact on the environment as possible while doing what we love which is creating amazing hair for our clients. We won sustainable salon of the year in the 2021 and 2023 industry awards and were finalists in the sustainable salon of the year and NZ hair salon of the year in the 2022 industry awards so we are excited to be recognised for our achievements. 

 The salon currently holds a carbon neutral certificate. We have been offsetting our carbon emissions since the start of 2018. We are proudly 7 years into holding this certificate and choose to measure and purchase our carbon credits through Ekos. The carbon credits are sourced from projects that grow and protect indigenous forests in New Zealand and the pacific islands. They help to deliver climate resilience, waterways protection, erosion control, biodiversity conservation and economic development.

We are part of the Keune family using their Tinta and Semi colour lines in the salon, both lines are cruelty free and vegan friendly. Tinta is ppd free and gives reliable 100% grey coverage and shine. Semi is ammonia free and allows us to blend greys, refresh ends, add vibrancy and lots of shine.

We have an in salon refill station for shampoo, conditioner and some mask top ups, with discounted rates to encourage clients to refill.



We recycle most rubbish from within our salon which is plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, product bottles including lids, colour tube lids, foil (which we use a lot of) and colour tubes.

We use Keune foil in the salon for foiling our clients hair, its made from 97% recycled materials and we recycle 100% of the foil we use so its a continuous cycle. Alongside foil we use Paper not foil as a colouring aid, these are washed afterwards with our towels, dried and reused a few times before completely breaking down.

We compost our hair clippings through a green fingered Dunedin resident.

We make sure only to use environmentally friendly cleaning products with recyclable packaging and use home compostable bin liners only when needed.

Our salon retail bags are brown paper, 100% recyclable and made from recycled materials, these are rarely used but there for if needed.

We ensure to only put our wash of towels on once the washing machine is full to save on water, and only use environmentally friendly washing powder.

We have a water filter in the salon to cut down on bottled water.

We limit our throwaway items as much as possible and get 1-5 litre bottles of product in to use at the basin to cut down on packaging.

We use energy efficient light bulbs and make use of the natural sunlight we get through our big front windows.

We give our used magazines to local daycares and kindys to reuse for arts and crafts.

We upcycled sheets of steel from a local bakery which was relocating to create splash backs for our sinks and basins and have found a second use for a many other items for the decor in our salon.

We provide small hand towels in our bathroom for clients to dry their hands on instead of paper towels.

We use reusable gloves for colouring within the salon.

We turn the taps off while not in use to conserve water and use eco tap heads at the shampoo bowl.

We use email, text message or social media to promote our business and keep clients updated on new products, promotions or salon news.

We use biodegradable bed roll in the beauty room and as many reusable items as possible. The beauty industry has a few more health regulations to follow so its harder for us to be sustainable in the treatment room but there are more and more options coming along all the time. 

We reuse any of our empty product containers for storage, shelving and for potting our salon plants in.

 We stock safety razors and blades, reusable facial wipes and bamboo straws for use at home.

We manufacture our own aluminium and baking soda free deodorant, this comes in a glass tub with aluminium lid or a refillable plastic tube if you prefer. Bring you empty container back to be sterilized and reused and get a discount off your next deodorant .